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Service Descriptions

Spring Opening

  • Removal & storage of winter cover
  • Installation of all ladders and handrails
  • Removal of all winter plugs & Gizmos
  • Installation of all equipment
  • Fire heater
  • Start of pump and filter system
  • Water sample taken back to lab
  • Brushing of pool floor and walls
  • Addition of shock and chlorine to pool
  • Ensure pool and equipment are working correctly

Initial Vacuum

The first vacuum of the season should not be treated as a normal maintenance vacuum.  Newtown Pools will either discharge the algae and debris settled on the bottom of the pool into a nearby drain or into your yard or woods, or bring its own filtration equipment and vacuum your pool, as to not cause damage to your pool filter or pool plumbing and equipment.  After the vacuum, depending on the pools condition, we will brush the entire pool surface once again.  Sometimes live algae needs to be chemically treated before it can be removed from your pool bottom safely

Initial vacuums may not get your pool cean the first visit.  Depending on water clarity and condition, a second visit may be required. 

Weekly & Bi-weekly maintenance

  • Skimming of entire pool surface
  • emtying all skimmer baskets & pump baskets
  • check equipment is operating correctly
  • vacuuming of entire pool bottom and walls
  • cleaning or backwashing of filter
  • addition of proper D.E. amount (if applicable)
  • brushing pool bottom and walls
  • proper and complete water balance


For information on all of our other services, please contact us




CT HIC 579688 | PLM 280168 SP1